Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Robots crawl in bodies for surgery (and then take over world)

Viewing Yahoo news this morning, where I admittedly get most of my news, I scanned past fluff pieces like 'How 'Dancing' star stays thin' and 'Kim K. changes hair' only to stop on a particular piece named 'Tool-wielding robots crawl in bodies for surgery'. Now, I have to admit that I'm about fifty-fifty on the whole advancement of robots that can think and act on their own. I know the benefits can be great, and list off five million reasons why the advancement of medical robots is a good goal to have in the medical field, but I want you to think about where my mind went after reading the last few paragraphs of the article.

"Velosa has been building robots that ask humans for help when they don't know what to do, as well as teams of robots that play soccer against each other. Sometimes, the robots surprise her. During one soccer game against robots from another university, the Carnegie Mellon team scored on a particular play. That sent a positive signal to the robot's computers, which are designed to reward success and discourage failures in the game. Her robots then tried the play again — and scored again. It turned out they had discovered a programing flaw in the other team of robots, just like some sports teams find a flaw in their opponents. Velosa's robot's kept using the same play, scoring every time, and thus reinforcing the tendency to try the play over and over. The robots crushed the other team. "It was programmed by me, but it looked to me as if they learned," she said. "I believe we are much closer to having robots be able to coexist with humans. The beautiful thing is you see the robots learning"  

Am I the only one who watched the movie A.I, you know the one with Will Smith and Haley Joel Osment as the adorable artificial kid which is the first to have real feelings, especially a never-ending love for his "mother", Monica? Monica who apparently wanted to live in denial about her own son and adopted the mecha 'David' as a substitute, because her real flesh and blood was in cryo-stasis, stricken by an incurable disease. The real plot twist came when David (who was happily living happily with Monica and her husband) got thrown out like yesterdays trash when their real son returns home after a cure is discovered. Rule #1: Nothing good comes out of robots that look like little kids and can think for themselves, even if they are squishy and come with adorable little bear side kicks.

Even if that doesn't put a kink in the whole 'self thinking robots are a good thing' theory, lets just recap. Denial. Betrayal. Humans being replaced by Artificial Intelligent beings who think they are superior to us because their chips are wired better than ours, say what? Robot war, you guessed it! They become so advanced they start seeing us as flawed, and instead of helping us they decide to murder us all. Rule #2: Playing god and creating 'life' never amounts to anything good. 

But what am I thinking, that's just a movie right? It would NEVER happen like that, with all the advanced technology we have and what not they will just advance to think for themselves but not to retaliate against us. Im snorting in laughter right now, just imagining some one expecting their first kids getting the very same lecture from a parent. No, my kid will never retaliate against me because I will raise little Ashley to be independent but not too independent as for her to ever want to go against my wishes.. Wait until the teenage years, and all that fancy talk will go down the drain. On the bright side, we could end up with nano bots running through our bodies that turn us all into Atlantean vampires. No, we will not sparkle but we will all have cool silver eyes and have very hot, soul searching sex. Wait, that's the Argeneau Series by Lynsay Sands and that would be completely ridiculous....every one knows there is no such thing as soul searching sex. Nano Bot Induced Vampire Sex - Here!

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