Today's random thoughts are brought to you by LOL and sponsored by cats!
I really thought that as I was packing yesterday, one of my cats would give a damn. I mean, for a human, I have been acting sort of weird. I have been cleaning my house like a manic person, causing them to run or be shut out from various rooms, haven't had the time to give them their daily mommy-kitty time, even yelled at one of them for trying to soft paw my shoes (which is totally free game), and yet I got a whole lot of nothing from them as I started to move all my clothes into day by day spreads on the bed last night. I think they have realized that daddy is as much as a functioning can opener as mommy. They grow up so fast, and Im so not feeling the love right now.
Why cant they be like all other cats, and let me walk out of the room only to come in and find them in my luggage all 'take me!' and what not? Oh, that's right...because I trained them not too. Damn my ability to raise smart animals.
Pancakes! Im sooo stoked to be seeing my friend Matt again this year, because one of the epic perks of having him as a friend is that he's good in the kitchen and both his wife and I get to enjoy the spoils. Freshly made chocolate chip pancakes, made not so early in the morning that your too groggy to enjoy them, but not so late your famished and annihilate them with out tasting them. What could make a vacation better than chocolate pancakes in bed?
I have a fear of being in public places by myself. I have finally looked it up and realized its a sort of social anxiety that has popped up over the years, and seems to get worse with stress. Think about that statement hard. I'm about to go to an airport, filled with strange people, police that look at every one like potential terrorist, not a moment to myself until I land (Which my first flight is at 6am and I land at my destination at 5pm), and if that's not enough to get me all worried, I have to pray to the luggage gods that mine doesn't get lost or is over weight or is too big..or.... Drats, there I go again with the worrying. Who ever invented this horrible way of travel needs to be slapped, and then the whole thing needs to be re-evaluated.
Two hours until work is over and vacation begins! Im going to run around like a chicken with my head cut off after I get off, doing all the last minute things that need to get done, until I collapse tonight in bed with my alarm clock set for 3:30 am (what an ungodly hour). I did practically the same thing last night, running around trying to find a white box with my spare engagement ring in it, before flopping into bed at 1 am defeated and fuming. Vacation. Vacation is all most here, if I can just survive today and tomorrows air port terrors, I can wake up Sunday morning in a cabin on the lake and sigh in relief that I made it to a week of stress free fun.
The humane society called me, wanting to know how my foster dog Sammy was doing and if they could schedule her an appointment to get spayed. A) One of their associates found her a rescue, that I took her too, over two months ago. B) She was adopted from there a week later. C) They told me at the time I took her in that while she was in foster she couldn't be fixed.
All I could do as I listened to the voice mail of the associate asking me all the idiotic questions that she should have known the answers too all ready, was that I am very glad that as soon as I dropped Sammy off at rescue I turned right around and deleted every thing to do with that foundation out of my life. They are rude, incompetent, and some times I doubt their abilities to run the place as half the time they don't know what the heck is going on between their own staff. I did call them back, and left a message that pretty much amounted to telling them that they are idiots and if Sammy DIDN'T get adopted like I was told then I need to know. Not much I can do, as Im going on vacation, but I will be damned that I wont raise some hell if she didn't and has been sitting in some home not being loved on like she deserves. End rant.
Im getting my roots touched up here in a bit, as well as getting my hair flat ironed, and cut. I scheduled it on the eve of my flight so that way, when Im waking up at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow, at least I wont have to worry about my hair. I will how ever, have to worry about the five million other things I need to write down on a list, so I wont leave any thing behind. On a bright note, if I do forget any thing Wal-mart is universal. I seriously doubt any thing I might leave behind couldn't be easily replaced by a trip to Wally World. The worst thing that can happen right now is that my stylist murders my hair, a tsunami rolls in, or the world ends. Lets just hope none of the above happen.
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